Nature Park Birding

Hi. I'm still new to blogging, so I hope y'all don't mine some of my first post on here. I'm still testing things out, and seeing how it all works. All of these pictures were taken in Rexburg, Idaho on 5/15/2020/. 
This is our first sighting of a Yellow Warbler that we saw. They have very lovely songs.

We occasionally see other types of wildlife as well such as this cottontail. 

These are two shots of a lovely Song Sparrow that we saw along one of the pathways. 

We have recently been seeing the return of Goldfinches in our area.  They're one of my favorite species to watch and listen too. 

This is another two shots of the Yellow Warbler that we saw earlier. They're pretty quick, but this little guys was pretty good at letting me get a few shots in. 

Robins are very loveable, and this one walked right up to us. I really enjoy their songs.

My wife's favorite, some Black-capped Chickadee shots! They're one of our favorite birds, and they have very lovely "hey sweetie" calls that they do. 

Now this one is our first sighting of a Western Tanager this year! I was amazed to look up and see this cute little tanager! I was only able to get a few shots before he flew off.

I've recently been enjoying Swallows, and especially these Tree Swallows. Just look at the colors on their wings!

One of our more uncommon finds was this Lewis's Woodpecker that flew by us. I've never had seen one before, and at first, I just thought it was a robin. Upon closer look, I realized it was a completely different bird, and I am happy that I got a decent shot of him. 

Finally, this cute Robin was gathering some sticks for his nest. I was able to get a photograph of him picking them up. 


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