Walk to the Nature Park

Hi, how is everyone doing! These will be some photos of the bird shots that I got yesterday. They are all photographed by me here in Rexburg, Idaho on 5/16/2020.

Right now I'm in my 4th week of school surprisingly. This semester has gone by really fast, I still feel like I just started. As a result, I feel like I haven't put as much effort into this blog and my other social media. We hadn't gone out for a walk together in a while, so my wife, Savannah, and I decided it was about time to do so. 

We hadn't even gotten in the car yet we saw some lovely Barn Swallows flying around our complex. We're happy to see them return since there was a pair that raised some chicks last year as well. 

When we got to the nature park that is about a mile north of where we live we immediately saw these beautiful House Finches. This is a shot of one of the males. I've been trying to get a closer upshot of these guys, but they are very skittish, so far no luck. 

We started to go down along the main path when this random Mourning Dove flew down right in front of us. It was a pleasant surprise, and I got a few shots of the lovely dove before it flew off into the trees. 

Next up we saw this possible Pine Siskin, but we're not too sure. It could also be a female Cassin Finch. We didn't get a good look at his back or wing feathers, so it's a bit of mystery. 

One of my favorite birds to now see are these Bullock's Orioles. They have recently been showing up at the park, and they have very bright and vibrant colors. This is a shot of one of the males, that did some nice poses for me. haha 

The last bird that we saw was our first sighting of a House Wren for this year. We are happy to see it singing it's little heart out at the tops of the trees. 


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